The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



the expediency of a measure involving the Security of the rights and property and the safety and lives of the families of the people this was not admitted by the agitators as an amendment, when it was determined to put the Report and Resolutions to Vote first and then take the Vote upon my motion, on division 2/3 ~vere against their report- They then without taking a vote upon my motion, so modified their resolutions as to effect the same purpose which being agreed to They appointed a commitee to draft a report and resolution to be proposed to the meeting on Sunday- Archer Wharton Jack and Henry Smith. It was proposed to add me and R. Williams I declined to aid in fore- staling the sentiments of the people. Thinking the meeting on Sunday ought to be left free to appoint their own committee and the people will reject their report 'on that ground if it be put to them You and Pleasant McNeel must be here all the McNeels Grey, Crosby-, every one who can give a vote, for the cast is to be made which will lose or win all our hopes in Texas The court is adjourned until Monday I am still quite unwell with the cold I took below- 12 oclock is the hour- best remembrances to _Emily • cordially and truly your friend H AUSTIN [Rubric] [Addressed:] Mr Jas F Perry Peach Point

BARTLETT SIMS TO GAIL BORDEN, JR. [Mina, June 25, 1835. See Calendar.]


SELLO TERCERO DOS REALES. Para los aiios ·de mil ochocientos treinta y cuatro y ochocientos treinta y cinco. Yo el infrascrito Escribano, Certifico y doy fe en testimonio de verdad, habiendose seguido causa criminal contra el ciudad 0 • rnexicano Estevan F Austin por haber sido acusado de querer qe. Texas sea independiente del Estado de Coahuila, corridos los tramites prebenidos por derecho hasta recivirse a prueba, en cuyo estado, publicada la ley de amnistia concedida por el Congreso gral en decreto de dos de Mayo del corriente aiio, suplico se le Aplicase, y que en su virtud se chancelase la fianza comentariense que tenia dada. Que pasado a la vista del Promotor Fiscal del Juzgado, opino que siendo el delito uni- camente politica cometido dentro del periodo que abraza el Articulo• primero del citado Decreto se hallaba comprendido en el olvido de que habla el Mismo Articulo debiendo quedar en absoluta libertad. · Que dada cuenta el Senor Juez de Distrito proveyo el Auto que sigue.- Mexico catorce de Mayo de mil ochocientos treinta y cinco-

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