The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



from hir teacher and Schoolmates- I believe She Learns-prety well-- She-sends hir Respects to you and Mrs-Bordin- Mr. B. Durbin goes to Sanfelepe to pay the fees-on a quarter League No-3-above Smithes on Navidad- I-have directed .him to you for informatition, and to pay the whole amount of the States fees-to you if you will recieve them-. from the deed I make out that the first payment will not be due till 6th December Next-but I want Mr: Durbin to pay all the state fees-now. please write me all the news-say what you know about Austin, Williams, etc. etc. And what is going on in the Interior. We have news here that Colo Austin is at Liberty, and will probably be in Monclova on the 20 th • this Mo.- That Gen 1• Santana has taken Zacatecas. 700-Killd. and he took 2700 prisoners--then turned on his heel and went toward to the South-to put down Gen 1• Albares and Libertey in that Section. We understand that Gen 1• Cos-has sent a copy of a proclamation to all the Ayuntementos in texas-in which he says "there is·certain designing foreigners in Monclova exciting and creating rebellion and Insulting the Sovreign Nation" etc. etc. The Sale of 650. 1 -Leagues of Land by the State has caused much excitement in these Settlements-so far as I have heard the people are not willing to stand the pull • If there was any way to help it-. What do you believe Santana's Intentions are? I have Just received a new Land Law, dated 2d may-(past)-It provides for all who are Now in texas and who have not got any to recieve land acording to the Law of 24-march 1825-, by way of a commissioner Gen 1 one for Each department of Texas Shall be appointed, and those who come to the country Since-May 1832- shall pay to the State 60-S on a sitio of pasture, and five Dollars on each Labore of Arable .Land. I Leave home to day on a surveying tour in deleon's Colony, and shall be gone- 4-or 5 week-. There has been a great many more applications for Land in that Colony than the contract calld for-his time was out 29 th of April-but he has time granted to have the Surveys, an titles made-- There has been more than SO-applicants since the contract was filld who of course could not be recieved Colo Dewitt Died some time ago in Monclova.


PHILIP DIMMITT TO SAMUEL M. WILLIAMS [Lavaca, June 4,. 1835. Asks for titles.]

10n Land Speculo.tion see an article by the editor, Quarterly of Texas State Historical Aesoc;iation, X. 76-95.

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