The Austin Papers, Vol. 3



paid on your order on Austin and McKinstrey for 84,75 •in fv of Hunter the balance still remains unpaid. I have not offered any of your lands for sale not knowing any necessity for so doing as I have heard of no claims against you except one small one which Williams told me he had arranged he also told me that there was no necessity for selling any for the purpose of paying the drafts you have drew from Mexico-that he had made arrangements to Meet them, in what way he has never in- formed me. Mr Williams will or has I have no doubt wrote to you what has been don in the upper collony business. Ben Smith leaves in the vessel that carries this pr New orleans in rather a bad burner with W. about some land specu- • lations at Monclova. McKinny is now absent at New Orleans-is lookd for daily We still have Mr. Pilgram here S. F. Austin 1 and all our children are going to school and improving well M. A. Bryan is studying the spanish with Mr. Pegram Joel is attending to the farm and I think will make a good Farmer. I saw many of your old friends when up the country. They all enquired after you kindly. and all feel verry anxious for your return they are all much pleased with your exertions for the benefit of Texas, but are more anxious for your return than anything you can·do for them [JAMES F. PERRY.]


:t>a SR. Your fav of 24 Deer was recd a short time since myself as weli as all col. Austins friends consider ourselfs under obligation to you for the kind services you have rendered him in °his troubles and fele gratefull to you for your kindness. it still being uncertain whether he has been released I again take the liberty of troubling you with the care of the enclosed letter to him should he have left you will please destroy it and should any unfavourble change have taken place in his situation so that he will not [have any means] of communicating with his friends [you will confer] particular obligation on me by [informing me of his] situation and I talce a pleasure in now offering you my sincere thanks for the kindnesses you have renderd Col Austin in his trouble [JAMES F. PERRY.] U. S.'consul City of Mexico

lThe son of Austin's deceased hroth~r, James E. B. Austin.

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