Susan W. Maxwell to James F. Perry, Boston, April 20, 1835. Concerning dis- appearance of her husband and instructions for disposition of effects_____ 63 Domingo de Ugartechca to Martin Perfecto de Cos, Bexar, April 20, 1835. Enclosing letters from Tenorio at Anahuac showing need of reinforcements and supplies. (Omitted.) ----------- ---- ·-·--·---------------····- •_____ 65 Domingo de Ugartechca to Martin Perfecto de Cos, Bexar, April 20, 1835. Wagons which he sent to Copano to transport baggage of Battalion of Morelos detained at great cost by delayed arri\'al of troops. When may he expect them? (Omitted.) ____________________________ 65 S. Rhoads Fisher to Gail Borden, Jr., April 21, 1835. Concerning three leagues of land on which he is paying fees for share in ·the land. (Omitted.) ___ 65 Samuel M. Williams to Austin, l\fonclova, April 22, 1835. Cotton speculation. Application for bank charter. Thinks no fees will be claimed by state on lands in Austin's first colony. Improvements at mouth of Brazos ____ 65 Thomas J. Tone lo Gail Borden, Jr., April 24, 1835. Land. (Omitted.} ___ 67 Ira R. Lewis to Gail Borden, Jr., April 25, 1835. Introducing Mr. Clement of Mobile. (Omitted.} ____________ ···--·--- _ ____ __________ 67 James Burleson lo Gail Borden, Jr., April 25, 1835. Land. (Omitted.) ___ 67 William K. Wilson to Samuel M. Williams, April 26, 1835. Desiring land__ 67 Domingo de Ugartechea to Cos, Bexar, April 27, 1835. Governor has asked for 200 militia to sustain the government. :Much uneasiness in the colonies. Wants reinforce~cnts. (Omitted.)_________________ _______ 67 Joseph Kuykendall to James F. Perry, April 28, 1835. Acknowledging a note and •offering to pay in cattle____________________ ___________ 67 Henry Austin to Gail Borden, Jr., April 28, 1835. Paying fees on certain land for share of the land. Benefit of .Mrs. Holley. (Omitted.) __________ 67 Austin to Samuel M. Williams, .Mexico, April 29, 1835. Butler's machinations lo injure him. Butler's unpopularity in Mexico. Does not understand Moxican politics. Nobody does; just waiting. The four hundred league law_____ 68 H. Meigs to Austin, New York, May 2, 1835. Conceals what Austin writes from all except the President and John Forsyth. Will leave no fair means un- tried to serve you._____________ -------------------69 WilJiam Hardin to Gail Borden, Jr., May 4, 1835. Land Transfer. Recites some history of his residence in Texas. (Omitted.}----·------------69 Henry Austin to James F. Perry, May 5, 1835. Efforts of land speculators at Monclova to prevent repeal of sales to them. Will create uneasiness in United States and check immigration. Texas jury trial unsatisfactory_________ 70 James F. Perry to Austin, May 5, 1835. General conditions in Texas. William's land speculations at Monclova._________ _____ _____ _ ____ 71 Austin to Samuel M. Williams, Mexico, May 6, 1835. Amnesty law passed, and hopes to he free soon. Butler's efforts to start rebellion in Texas. Legislature discredited by speculations________ ----------------------73 Henry Austin to Gail Borden, Jr., May 8, 1835. Land for A. C. Ainsworth. (Omitt~d.) ___________ -------------.~ 74 Henry Austin to Gail Borden, Jr., May 8, 1835. Land for David G. Richardson on which he pays fees and gets a share. Mrs. Holley. Loan________ 7.J. Henry Austin to Gail Borden, Jr., May 9, 1835. Land for William Frampton on which he pays fees and gets share-"Cahoot." ~rs. Holley now a resident of Bolivar. (Omitted.) ---- ---------------- 74 G. B. Jameson to Gail Borden, Jr., May 11, 1835. Land surveys and titles. (Omitted.) _____ ___ ---------------- 71 xi
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