If you have not heard any more from him and should think it best to ad- vertise him in that country I wish you would- Mr M wrote he should leave some things with Mr David Ayers of Mountville I have wrote to him and Col Austin and some others but as yet have not got an answer We in the U S. find it difficult to get a letter from the interor of Texas or to send one there. If I should write you again, I should like your address, allso Mr. Somervill I wish to know if you know any thing of a· young man that was with Mr Maxwell by the name of Squire Darnen. Mr M •left him at San Felepe--his Mother wrote me that he had not return home and was very anxious about him. Mr Maxwell wrote he should leave 6 trunks with you rather than to have the things sold for less tltan there value and if it would not burden Mr Somervill two much and he goes to N Y by water the expcnce will not be much and should like to have them all brought that is worth bringing particularly all his papers and some valueable watches and rings he had when he left home. I presume he has had letters' come to you [r] care since he left and should like them two and after deducting a sufficient sum for yourself and Mr Somervell for your attention to the business I should like to have the ballance delivered over to my Cousen Mr Edmund Willard, he will be at the store of C. B. Granniss and Co 127 maiden lane New York City. Pleas to write soon Address to S. W. Maxwell care of A. Willard- 179 Washington St Boston Mass. I presume you ~vill excuse my minute- ness and repetition and all other blunders, when you remember this is from a anxious wife enquireing for a lost husband. Your immediate at- tention to the above will greately oblige an unfortunate wife whose greatest misfortune is the absence of the husband of her youtv-and what can be more tryeing than this anxeious suspence SUSAN. W. MAxWELL MR J. F. PERRY [Addressed:] Mr. James. F. Perry. or Mr Alexander Somervill San Felepe Austin Colony Texas DOMINGO DE UcARTECHEA TO Cos [Bexar, April 20, 1835. Two letters of same date. See Calendar.] .
S. RHOADS FISHER TO GAIL BORDEN, JR. [Matagorda, April 21, 1835. See Calendar.] SAMUEL M. WILLIAMS TO AUSTIN
Monclova 22d April 1835
MY DEAR FRIEND The mail of yesterday presented me your welcome letter of 4 th i~st, and in union with my Companions am pleased with the indirect prospect which
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