The Austin Papers, Vol. 3

W. W. Hunter to James F. Perry, New Orleans, March 28, 1835. Flatboat trade from Missouri. Texas item_,_______ ___ ----5•1 Austin to Samuel M. Williams, Mexico, l\farch 28, 1835. Hoping that Monclova will not start an insurrection. He is still detained in Mexico by delay in passing the amnesty law __________ ----------------"--------- 55 Bartlett Sims to Gail Borden, Jr., March 30, 1835. Surveying. Wants plotting paper. (Omitted.) _______ _ _ ______________ 53 Austin to George Fisher, Mexico, March 30, 1835. Sending CQPY of his Expo- sition. Affairs in Mexico,____,_______ _______________________ 55 Samuel M. Williams to Austin, Monclova, l\forch 31, 1835. Governor and Leg- islature will petition for release of Austin. . Robertson Colony business. Two thousand persons immigrated into Texas in January and February_______ 56 Samuel J\I. Williams to James F. Perry, Monclova, April 1, 1835. Giving news of Austin _______________ ____________________ 5~ Austin to Samuel M. Williams, Mexico, April 1, 1835. Civil war threatened. Texas must not participate. Instructions concerning fees claimed by government in first colony_________ ___ ·---·--···--- 59 Joshua Nelson to Austin, April 2, "1835. Introducing Dr. Amos Pollard, who arrived in Texas December 23, 1833, and A. C. Holmes, who arrived in April, 1834. Both want land. (Omitted.)__________________________ 5~ H. L. Cooke to Gail Borden, Jr., April 2, 1835. Petition for land. In Toxas since 1831. (Omitted.) _______________ __ 59 Military Commandant of Texas to his Superior, Bexar, April 4, 1835. Will try to prevent from going into effect the decree selling Texas land. Needs money and supplies for Indian war. (Omitted.)________________ 59 Martin Perfecto de Cos to Military Commandant of Texas, Saltillo, April 4, 1835. Instructing him to keep informed of movements of the colonists. (Omitted.) 59 Austin to Samuel M. Williams, Mexico, April 4, 1835. Is offered contract to deliver 300,000 pounds of cotton at Vera Cruz during next two years at twenty cents a pound. Fees in first colony______ _______ ______ 60 Henry Austin to Gail Borden, Jr., April 8, 1835. Instructions to issue title to a colonist. Austin fo pay all fees and receive half the land. Anderson Estis. He was with Austin "on his first tour above the m;untains." (Omitted.) ____________,_ 60 S. Rhoads Fisher to Gail Borden, Jr., April 9, 1835. Concerning land which he wants to "clear out" of the office on shares. (Omitted. See text.)____ 66 Domingo de Ugartechea to Martin Perfecto de Cos, Bexar, April 13, 1835. Reporting steps taken to observe movements of colonists. Has sent in two cor- porals in disguise and subscribed for the newspaper. Needs money. (Omitted.)_ 60 John Rice Jones to Baker and Bordens, April 14, 1835. Claiming commission for subscriptions to the Telegraph and Texas Register. (Omitted.) ______________ 61 Domingo de Ugartechea to Captain Antonio Tenorio, Bexar, April 14, 1835. Asking for full report on state of public opinion in East Texa~. (Omitted.) ____ 61 Frank W. Johnson to Gail Borden, Jr., Monclova, April 15, 1835. Political dis- turbances. Help wanted from Texas. Memorials in favor of Austin_ _______ fl Austin to Samuel M. Williams, Mexico, April 15, 1835. Condemning law of the state legislature for the sale of four hundred leagues of land. Advises calm aloofness from Mexican politics_____________________ 62 Elias R. Wightman to Gail Borden, Jr., April 17, 1835. Surveying orders and. reports. (Omitted.) _____________________ 63 Bartlett Sims to Gail Borden, Jr., April 20, 1835. Land surveys. (Omitted.) 63


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