THE AUSTIN PAPERS 85 here from Arkensa also, a Man of Wonderfull Physical and Intel- lectual powers, was, but not now an intimate friend of Col Quarlc's- J on:N SIBLEY [Rubric] P. S-you have not informed me about my claim on the Estate of :Mc. Farlane.-Since Writing the above we have had more partic- ularly the Return of our Election Derbigney will be our Governor- White for Congress in place of Livingston. Gurley Reelected- Overton in place of Brent.
CoL AusTIN Petit Saw Bluff :Missouri August 1st 1828 Sm A desire which I have for some time entertained to have a knowledge of the distinguishing characteristics of the Province of Texas has been of late much increased by the perusal of some of your letters published in the papers of this country. I write at this [time] to request n minut description of the country but the more particularly of that part of the country in which you are established I am under the impression that you have obtained of the :Mexican Government an extensive Country which you are now Colonizing. For the sake of brevity I will condense the subjects of my enquiries into the following questions. How far is your Colony from the Gulf Coast? Is the country Mountainous or level. How Large are the Rivers Colorado and Brasos? Do they in any considerable de- gree afford facilities for navigation? '\Vhat proportion qo the rich lands bear to the poor or barren lands'? I have ta.ken the Idea that lands along the i'ivers are extremely fertile but that the intermediate hills were dry and barren. Am I right? Is it a timbered Country vVhat is the extent of your grant? Is it Surveyed? Is the country in general explored and Surveyed? "\Vhat enducements can you hold out to a Surveror who is n complete master of the business in all its branches? Are you in want of a. person to assist you in mak- ing your map of the Country? Are the unoccupied lands in the hands of the general Government of :Mexico as in this Country? What Route would you recommend to emigrants from the Stntes on the Ohio River. What time is required to Snil from your Colony to the port nearest to the City of :i\fexico. I have now given you some of the leading points uppon which I desire information. There may be others which may occur to you if so I shall be grateful for their insertion. I have an intention of visiting your country if the prospects shall appear favorable. I am a Surveyor and in that business would wish to be employed either in Texas or elsewhere in
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