The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



Our Election for Govr Members of Congress and state Legislature is just over have not got the Returns for Govr. or Congress. Judge Derbigney, Butler, Mnrigney and Gen 1 Thomas are the Can- didates for Congress in this district Brent and Overton. we have from this Parish in Our Legislature A. mnn by the name of Dyers Debleau and Benjn ~Iatyear.- Johnston Our Present Sheriff was married a few days ago to the Daughter of :rtfr Benjm Bullitt-- Col Quarles of A.rkensas to Madme Grosvenor- 1Yir. Cable and his wife live apart. Several Accidents have hnpened by steam Boat Boilers Bursting, the car of Commerce lately, and killed and wounded 57 persons, Two have been Burnt and one sunk in Red River.- I did not see Capt. Jones, probably when he called I was out about three Miles where My family are at a Summer residence; where we have good Water and Air. No :Musketoes and Milk not Bitter, Mr Cable has informed me he had sent you a Packet of papers which will keep you Along till you Receive more- If the Govt of :Mexico was better organised, so that one might be pro- tected in person and property and Religion I should feel Enclined to move into it.- 17th-July. By the Steam Boat Beaver we have the Election Re- turns so far as to assertain that Judge Derbigney has a :Majority of Votes for Governor. that Judge white a young man (son of Doctr White who died Parish Judge of and lately been Acting as City Judge of New Orleans, has been Elected Member of Congress in place of Mr. Livingston; Derbigney and White are for the Reelection of Mr. A.dams President. Mr. Livingston for Jackson Mr. Marigney and Judge Butler opposed to Derbigney as Governor are J ncksonites. The Votes of Louissinna will be for Adams (President). Mr. Gurley of Batton Rouge (Adams) is Re- elected by a large :Majority. Missouri and Illenois for the adminis- tration; and we now believe Adams will certainly be Reelected- I sepose you were Acquainted with Our Captain Grosvenor; while he was in your Country: Accounts Came on here Satisfactory to his wife that he had another wife in New York. she had a decree Nullifying her Marriage with Grosvenor, and was in March last married to a Col Quarles, a Lawyer from Little Rock in Arkensa Territory, the Col after living here with her a short time went to Arkensas and Returned sooner than he had appointed he soon ap- peared dissatisfied and went away Again, it is thought will not soon if ever Return to her again. The Col is a light made, small Man Very Genteal, well informed, a Schollar, and stands high at the Bar is I should think under 35.- there is a Col Oden living

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