waiting to meet us to designate the Boundary line, on that subject I have only been informed officially that the treaty between our Govt and Mexico relative to the boundary and some other matters was Ratified by the Senate of the U. States on the first of Ma.y and Returned to Mexico to be Exchangd and might be expected back in September and that the treaty of 1819 was Recognised generally. the treaty has not been published and will not be untill it returns, I have not been informed of the Particular Stipulations. I have no Knowledge of the oppointment of a commissioner on Our part. there is a Report that I shall be named, but I have receivd nothing official about it, If I should I shall Serve and have great pleasure in being associated with Gen 1 Taran for whose Character I feel the greatest respect.- I am happy to learn that the Intestine difficul- ties in Mexico have subsided, such might have been expected, experi- ence will no doubt tranquilise such Ebilutions, all governments have experienced the Same; Primary schools and enlightning the people is the Surest Course. The Subject of Our Presidential Election has produced, and keeps up more excitement than any thing has ever done in the United States, the Choice of Electors comes on in November next, both Parties affect to be sanguine of success, for my own part I believe Mr. Adams will be Reelected, and the cause of the administration seems to be gaining ground. the Printed paper Enclosed I think is a fair Exhibition of the case as it now Stands.- I am glad to hear that the Govt of Mexico have concluded to settle those Belts of Neutral territory, it would have been impossible to haYe kept those reserves free from Banditties of 1'1urderers ~d outlawes- There seems to be some difficulty between the three Allied Powers against Turkey about the division of what may be conquered from Turkey. France and England hang Back; but Russia will go on single handed If they should decline We have no certain Accounts of Actual fighting being commenced Nor of the Russian Army crossing the Pruth. The Greeks will no doubt be- come indepent of Turkey tho. not yet acknowledged. there is a great Commotion in Europe. the English are Arming and so the French. The Brittish are withdrawing their Troops from Portugal and the French from Spain- Lord Wellington the Present prime Minister has gone over to France, for something about Greece and Turkey it is seposed. The Sperit for Internal improvement in the U. S. was never at such a height Rail ways are taking place of Canals as having the·advantage of costing one third less, not being interrupted by Frost, the carriages propelled by Steam can freight
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