THE AUSTIN PAPERS 77 Books of mine, for the year I worked the mines in partnership with Butler, it was the last year I had his negros-we had them three years in all, two years on hire and one year him and myself worked the mines in partnership-there wns nothing made of consequence that year and I sent a :full statement of the business of that season to Butler, he has not produced it and seems to wish that I should pay him five or six thousand dollars. I wish you to get the Lend Book of that year and send [it] to me by' ifr. Honey should he come out next :fall and all the other Books of that years business-- I suppose they are with the other Books of Father- The Lead Book is principally or all in Ballards band writing- I hope John Austin paid you a visit and gave you an account of the state of things here and some idea of the labor and difficulties I have struggled through in settling this wilderness I have nothing particular to write you- Brother and his wife are well, they are down the Brazos River at this time near the coast. I saw them a few days ago but we did not at that time know that :Morrison would start so soon which [is] the reason he did not write you- The people here are generally healthy tho we have a severe drought, the crops however are abundantly sufficient-- We have general peace and tranquility all over the country and the settlements are progressing slowly but surely When I came here there was not one civilized befog within two hundred miles of this colony and now I have near three thousand in it, and there are many large farms and valuable improvements-but I a.m myself still poor as to dis- posable means-my object bas been to settle the country more than to speculate and the expenses I have had to 1mdergo have more than equalled what I have recd ·besides I have had some old debts to pay off the amount of the new Madrid claims which I bought in St Louis was over nine thousa.nd dollars- I gave my notes for them and let Bryan have them all-I never received any thing :from them and am still struggling along to pay for them also the balance due Butler for the hire of his ncgros all fall on me and I am working through that as fast as I can- do not fail to collect all the Books I have written for and be
careful not to send them except by a safe hand Remember me to Mr Perry and all friends
your brother S. F. AusTIN [Rubric]
Send the enclosed to Mr Carr without delay
[Rubric] Write me how political parties stand as regards Benton and Bar- ton which of them stands highest, and which of them is supported
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