The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



Acabo esta carta contra mi voluntad, porque se me queda mucho q decir, y protesto continuar en otra vez. sale el correo D. Erasmo me mand6 tm documt 0 • en que consta haber enterndo en la Depositoria de Bejar los $280. ps. de los funerales del difto nro Amo. Baron: doy a V. las debidas gracias. Su Amo. que lo estima J. ANTONIO PADILLA [Rubric]


Ais Bayou, July 18, 1828.

See Calendar.


Nacogdoches 22 July 1828.

DEAR Sm/. On my return from N. Orleans about 6 Weeks since, I was put in receipt of your letter stating a Law had passed, that servants could be indented etc- The entelligence I immedentely made public, and am induced to be- lieve the Law will be of great service to this Country. It has made a material change in the feelings of many valuable Emgrants and I will have it published in N. Orleans, that it may have publicity in the U.S.- Mr. Amos Edwards had Just arrived from Kentucky with several slaves, which would have required much management to secure. but this Law at once places him at ease on that subject. Our Alcalde is not over active in promulgating the Laws-there- fore your Letter in this case was usefull- should anything occur interesting to our section of the Country, you will confer a favr by noting it, to some one residing at this place. Gen 1 Teran keeps himself much 1;eserved and I believe his residence with us will correct many evils that bas much injured the country. I have no doubt but the proceedings at this place on the part of the alcalde has done more injury to the Country than any other cause. Most of the Transcient persons that visit here return disgusted •My Colony is at this time totally ocupied by the Indians. The Cherokees and Shaunesse are Agriculturists, and do not live in vil- lages but in a compact settlem,ent. They raise much corn. and I have myself this season purchased from the Cherokees alone, not less than 1000 Dollars worth of Corn and pease.

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