The Austin Papers, 1789-1827, were published in the report of this association for 1919, Volume II. The history of the collection is summarized in the preface to that volume. This volume contains the papers belonging to the years 1828-1834. It was during these that Stephen F. Austin was driven from his attitude of loyalty to Mexico and began to give thought to the future of Texas, either as an independent State or as a member of the United States of the North. Besides revealing the conditions in Mexico and in Texas which moved Austin to surrender reluctantly the hope of seeing Texas prosper as a Mexican State, the documents here published continue, as in the preceding volume, to shed much light on the con- ditions and motives which led to emigration from the United States to Texas. Exigencies of space have made it necessary to omit a considerable number of documents which the collection contains; but the Calendar indicates the nature of all such omissions. A volume issued by the University of Texas Press in 1927 completes the publication of the Austin Papers. The material in that concluding volume extends from October 1, 1834, when the present volume ends, to Austin's death in December, 1836. It is chiefly valuable as a documentary history of the inauguration of the Texas revolution and of Austin's mission to the United States in behalf of the new Republic. A calendar of the material is appended to the Calendar of this volume. EUGENE C. BARKER. UNIVERSITY OF TEx.As, Austin, Te::c., September, 19~7. VII
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