The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



your detirmination after examining the country, which I presume you would do before you made an investment of so much importance. The forks of Buffalo bayou at the head of tide water naviga- tion six miles above Harrisburgh, where John Austin has offered a tract---or at this place---or on the Colorado river west of this-or a point on Galveston bay---or at the town of Brazoria-are all eligible situations, and there are many others. I think that land can be procured by means of a direct grant from govt. but if it cannot capital will easily procure as much as could be desired I will give every aid in my power in this respect, and in every other particular. I advise you to visit this colony this fall or as soon as you can, and examine the country and judge for yourself if however your mind is fully satisfied as to the advantages of the business, you would save time by bringing out the machinery at once. Cap Henry Austin will settle himself for the present about 15 miles above Brazoria on tide water navigation of the Brazos river. If you should come into this river which is the best place to land be particular to get a vessel that does not <lra w more than five feet water or 5½ at most----on account of the bar off the mouth of the river The policy of the mexican govt. as to the colonies which have been legally established, is clearly developed and frankly manifested which is to foster and protect them by every possible means. My colony in particular has uniformly recd the fullest support and pro- tection of the Govt. and I have the most substantial reasons for be- lieving that they will prosper during the next year more than at any former period. Those who have acted in good faith in their colonizing oppera- tions in Texas, and who have adherd to the law and to their con- tracts, have uniformly been protected and there is no cause nor the shadow of just cause to distrust the good faith of govt. I should and do consider property as secure in this colony as in the U. S. or any where else. I shall be happy to give you any information in my power at any time. I expect to leave here in Deer for Saltillo and shall neces- sarily be absent six or seven months indeed it is rather probable I shall visit the city of Mexico in which event my absence will be longer. STEP F. AUSTIN If you visit this country do not fail to get a passport from the Mexican consul. s. F. A. w. D. C. HALL TO AUSTIN

Bolivar, July 26, 1831.

See Calendar.

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