The Austin Papers, Vol. 2




San Felipe de Austin, July 19, 1831.

){y DEAR COUSIN I see by your letter to Henry that you are looking towards Texas, and have even made up your mind for a permanent removal to this Colony. It is needless for me to say that I shall be happy to see you here and anxious to serve you, for I hope you are satisfied of that fact without any assurance from me. You will think us some- what in the wilderness perhaps; but our ideas on this as well as on most matters, are comparative, and dependent on habit and dis- position. To me, this country does not now seem like a wilderness. I saw it ten years ago when it was so in fact. Most of the habits acquired in what is called civilized and refined society, which I once may have had, have pretty much worn off long since; though I do not wish you to understand that I have become a bear, or a Comanche: And the strongest proof I can give that I have not is, that the idea of your removal here, and of the society which will of course spring up under the influence of your wand, gives me more. real pleasure than anything which has occurred for some years. May we not form a little world of our own where neither the religious, political, or money-1naking fanaticism, which are throwing the good people of our native country into all sorts of convulsions! shall ever obtain admission 1 Some philosopher, or dreamer, has called man a bundle of habits. I think he would call the North American of the present day a bundle of extremes-rather loosely tied together, for they dash round the political, religious, or some other compass, as it were by fits and starts, without any apparent reason. Let us unite a few choice families and make a neighbo-rhood as we say in this country. Abundance of such substantial and wholesome food as sound health and useful exercise require will never be want- ing. Most of the things called luxuries are inventions or phantasms of the imagination. ,ve can invent and give reins to the fancy in this country as well as any where else; and can supply our own luxuries in case we cannot get a regular supply of them from Paris, London, or New York. In short I think we can live happily if we choose to do so. The emigration to this Colony for the last year has been of a very valuable character, in general, and well calculated to advance the Country. I have lately had many assurances of emigration from Viro-inia (my native State) of the first class of people. Many of the 0 old families of the Old Dominion have planted their tobacco until their land has become old, and worn out. Their old pride will

• Copy by Mrs. Holley.

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