THE AUSTIN PAPERS 671 should like to be here when you make your visit this way, but do not think you will be able to accomplish it, for several years yet. The European powers are striving hard to prevent a general war on the .continent, and it looks at present as if they wood succeed but it yet remains doubtful. The Poles fight desperately but must be overpowered and subdued by the Russians unless assisted by some European power, o:f which there appears no indication at present. The Gen' who went to Spain from the :Mexican Government for the purpose of forming, or proposing a Treaty between the two coun- tries had had an interview with the King, and by the last accounts taken his passage at Bordeaux for Vera Vruz, where it is supposed he is about this time, with the Kings answer, and terms, on which he is willing to accede to, to lay before his Govt which are thought to be so favorable that a Treaty will soon be concluded. I understand that it is probable one of the Ports of Mexico will be declared a free port ere long. Please remember me particularly to Mr. and Mrs. Perry who I presume are with you. •I hope to receive a letter from you soon telling me you returned safe in May last, and your health much improved. .ARcH AusTIN [Rubric] [Addressed:] Col 0 .S. F. Austin, San Felipe de Austin, Texas.
[From Bexar Archives]
Ra,mo de derechos de tonelage correspondt•_ al Estado de Coahuila y Texas hasta 30 de Junio de 1831. A cargo del Ciudndano Snmuel M. Williams.
Ouenta de cargo y data que Yo el Cindadnno Samuel M Williams Receptor de rts. [rentas] corridas del mismo Estado doy nl Exmo senor Gob 0 '. de lo colo- rado de los derechos de tonelage cnusados por los buques extrangeros en los puntos de Galveston 11 Brazoria correspondientes al mismo Estado.
Pe,os R•. G•.
Prlmeramente son cnrgo 38 pesos 1 rr. entregndos en 9 de Agosto de 1830 por el Admor. Int" 0 • de Galveston D Jorge Fisher cor-
respondiente a 152H avos toneladas____:_____________________ 38. 1. 00. Tambien son cargo 184 pesos 4 rr". entregados por el Snor. Con'. Bradburn Comu. l\Iilitnr del puesto de .ana1wao encnrgndo de la Admon de Gal'feston como producto de dcho puerto en este ailo segun Ia adjunta nota___________________________________ 184. 4. 00. Tamblen son cnrgo 74 pesos 4 rr". entregndos por el mlsmo como np or ot nd _u_c_t o_ _ d_ _e _l _p_u_ _e _r _t o_ _d_ _e _B_ _r_a_z_o_r_i _a_ _e _n_ _e_s_t e_ _a_i_i_o_ _s _e_g_u_n_ _I_n_ _a_d_j_u_n_t_a 7 4 . 4 . 0 0 .
Total Cargo____________.:.________________________________ 297. 1. 00.
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