The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



rectly all-he would find on and adjacent to Sprin(J' Creek and if his minutes had not been sent to all the Surveyors to""be Condensced I Could understood them but this was his fault he should have sent them enclosed to me, for it is not to be expected that other Surveyors would take the trouble if they could understand them neither Jones nor Cook,s minutes could be understood by those un- aquainted with their notes ERW


Brazoria 12 th June 1831

Co 1 S. F. AusTIN Dr Sm

I take the liberty of droping you a line by Mr. wm Austin my health being very delicate prevents me from addressing you per- sonally. I arrived here from Georgia the latter part of February with fifty odd Slaves, but understanding you were absent from St Phillipe, I have not yet applied for any Land. I have been re- spectably informed your disposition has been, to encourage those, that bring into your Collony a ·la.rge disposible force. I will feel grateful to you to select and reserve for me one of the most valuable Leagues you have to dispose of. Common 'rep01·t says, that Doctor !? helps h(l,8 forfeited his League, should that be the facts, I beg of you (if in your power) to give it to me, but should the Government alone have the disposal of it, you will oblige me by useing your influence in my favor. I am now living at the Gin Place, and that tract of land would suit me better than any other person in the Collony. I have agreed with l\.fr John Austin to open and fence one Hundred acres there, and I could improve both places at the same time, and if Dr Phelps has forfeited, I think I deserve the land more than any other man in the Collony, for I have the force to culfo:ate a large portion of it. I refer you to John and ,villiam Austin. n reply is respectfully asked for. SYL\T,,STER :MURPHY [Rubric]


June 15 th 1831

DEAR Sm. I have recently understood that yourself and Padre ]\~uldoon will shortly pay a visit to the Fort Settlement, where the ne1ghbourh~od will assemble for the purpose of marriages, and Christening. ?wmg to the extreme indisposition of myself and the helpless situation of my family it will be inconvenient for me to attend. I have therefore

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