The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



El C 0 Jorge Fisher, interprete publico de lenguas estrangeras en el Distrito y clepenclencias del Puerto de Matamoros, en el Estado de Tamaulipas-Certifico en cuanto pnedo, debo y el clro. me per- mite qe. la precedente trnduccion del anexo documt 0 , es fiel y ecsacta de su original en el idiomn ingles. y p• qe. conste donde haya lugar cloy la presente.bnjo mi firmn en :Matamoros a diez de agto. de mil ocho cientos treinta y un afi.os.-Jorge Fisher.-Escribo. publico-- Dros. seis p• cuatro rs.- Es Copia Matams. • 13. de Oct• de 1831. Gumm.A [Rubric] SllrUEL M. ,VILLTAMS TO 'l'Ho:MAS TAYLon-AonEEMEN'r San Felipe, June 2, 1831. See Calendar.


San Felipe de Austin 7th June 1831

DEAR Srn I have just learned that you have arrived I expect your house •is crowded with those that are wanting to h.,1ow the news from the Interior therefore I dont wish to call on you at the early hour. I and my friend Alexander Thomson has been ordered :forthwith to the place from whence we came and nll those that we brought with us Mr Williams nnd the Alcade of this jurisdiction are ordered to see that we do so. I am anxious to know our fate my own I clont care for although I have spent a :fortune in what is called the Nashville Colony-but [for] esq Thomson and the unfortunate set- tlers who we have brought with us I have great anxiety. I expect you can give me all the information on the subject and you will please do so. report says our colony is given to Mr Williams. please wright to me on the subject and the fate of our settlers also . the fate of Esq Thomson-whether we have to leave the country or not STERLING C. RonERTSON Colo Stephen F Austin


San Felipe de Austin 10 June (31

DR Sm, I find in e:xnmmrng the memorandums of sun 7 eys returned by vour deputy Mathew Hubbert that no one can understand them WY ou are the responsable person, and I feur will get into very serious

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