The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS 661 firebrands alone, and the good sense of the sound and reflecting part of the colony, will put them down much sooner and more effectually than opposition or irons, by the authorities. If the civil authority had taken hold of Dayton, he would have become popular, altho he was a most perfect jack ass and a scoundrel. However if the civil authority have already intervened, it must sustain itself, firm as a mountain-either hands off in toto, or go the whole. The clouds which are hnnging over the Trinity and eastern part, as well as other parts of Texas will pass away, unless others, and more dense ones are raised by the imprudence and hasty temper of "firebrands." The Empresarios, whose imprudence, and total igno- rance or neglect of the law and of their duty has brought all this trouble upon Texas, need not expect much or anything-but the actual settlers are safe, and in the end will all be secure, unless they, themselves entangle matters-your fears as to Boss [Teran?] so far as my colony or Dewitts are totally groundless, notwithstanding appea-rances. Some gross errors have been committed by some one, as to the rights of actual settlers east of my colony-but they are errors which can be easily corrected, and I have no doubt will be, when the whole subject is properly understood. Things are in real- ity, not half so bad now, as they were a year ago. Texas has hun- dreds of friends now, who at that time were bitter enemies-all the difference is, that at that time, myself and a very few more, and as to some things I might sn-y, myself alone, lmew what was on the carpet, and what the true state of things was-now it is in the mouth of everyone-a ship cannot be turned upon its keel like a top-neither can a govt, a people, or deep rooted prejudices. If I could shut up ull the mouths in Texas for one year, I would pledge myself to de- liver every man his title within that time. I am much better pleased with the govr than I was-he is an honest I?an and will go right in the end. • On the 11 of April, dia de celebre memoria, I sent a copy of the retail law, to the minister of relations, with an oficio, stating the leading unconstitutional features of that project, and the evils it would give rise to-by yesterdays mail he answers me officially, that on the 22d. the Vice President transmitted my oficio and the copy of the said project to the Chamber of Representatives, with a strong recommendation that some declaratory law should be passed to pre- vent the states from attacking the constitutional rights of citizens or naturalized foreigners, n.nd also as to the right of the states to regulate commerce I leave tomorrow for l\fata.moros-Chnmbcrs and the two Yorks go with me-the prospect for the latter is not very good-tho, not quite hopeless. I have done all I cnn, and hope to do something for them at Matamoros.

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