le convendria la separacion. Para efectuarla seria muy conveniente que V. como interesado [Presentara ~] al congreso del Estado y adoptada la idea por este se acortaria mi dificultad en el Congreso general. Luego se procederia a formar una ley organica que llenase las miras de V. Creo pues que deberfa V. trabajar con este objeto y se consiguira cuanto se apetece. Me rerservo a ser mas largo por mi pr6xima y concluyo repitien- dome de V. afmo. S. S. • LucAs ALurAN [Rubric] [Addressed:] A. D. Esteva[n] Austiµ Leona Vicario.
Texas, Austin's Colony, April 9 th 1831
Dr Sm, I am sorry to be compelled to trouble you with a few lines, but necessity forces me to do it, I arrived with my own, and eight more families, on the 2 nd Inst. at Harrisburgh, at which place I learn'd that, the families I had brought out Last fall were ordered below the St Antonio road, and that they had all moved down, the most of them to Mr. MiUigan's, I immediately went to St Phillippi, to know the particulars, while there, an order arrived, that all the families, and myself, should return, to the U. S. I at first concluded to go immediately, but all with whom I convers'd, at St Phillippi advised me to wait, and pe[ti]tion for priviledge to remain in this colony, and become a settler here, I have arranged all my business in the U. S. and came with view to become a permanent residentor in this country, and haYe sacrificed much, and underwent a great deal of fatigue, and trouble, to get here, if we have to return, it will break 11s all prety well. • I anticipated no such difficulties, or I never should have engaged in the business, but remain'cl where I was well settled in Tennessee. As I believe it is in your power to do more with the government, o.nd with Gen 1 Teran, than any one else, and believing that you are dispos'd to be friendly toward us, I now take the liberty to request you, to intercede for us in any way your discretion, may point out, and that as soon as you can, for I wiU not be able to know what to do until I hear from you, If I am obliged to return the sooner I know it the better, or if I am permitted to remain, I wish to be trying to settle myself, if I can remain, I wish to settle in the uper part of your colony.
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