THE AUSTIN PAPERS 639 home the last of this month. I am glad to hear that Bowie is married. P. S. Since writing the above I have had a long conversation ,vith the Govr relative to Texas. [He] is a very just man, and will not consent to an unjust act, if he knows it. I am fully satis- fied thnt the rights of the people east of my colony will be fully respected in the end provided they do not attempt in any way to seek redress by force or violence-that will totally ruin them, and they had better submit to temporary evils than bring greater ones on themselves. I am much better pleased with the Govr than I ever expected to be. During the session various causes and con- siderations prevented me from being as intimate with him as I have been since-also the statements of others misled me as to a part of his character. I hope my ideas as to a territory are not misunderstood. I think I stated distinctly in my letter of 31 ,March, that the people of Texns ought not to move that question a't present. I wish the Gen 1 govt. to move it, we shall then have the advantage of making terms- that is we will agree if it suits us, and if not refuse, just as it may be expedient. I have more confidence in the present administra- t.ion than I had-my faith in Boss [Teran i] is unimpaired and all will be right in the end. If the official publication is made in the U. S. pnpers stating that my colony·is not included in the 11 Article of the law of 6 April, have it published in the Mexican [papers.] If no notice has been taken of the retail law, let it pass off in silence. Take care that the Ayto. do not entangle themselves by raising arbitri[os] not authorized by law, as I see they are about to do- the resolutions adopted as published in the paper of 14 April are illegal-the Ayto. can collect half the Taxes authorized by the 8 chapter of the ordinance as you will see by the law that wa~ passed the last day of the session but you cannot tax anything not men- tioned in that chapter. Be very cautious on this point. I pro- posed to give the Ayto. power to raise 8000 dolls. and assess-the Tax as they might deem proper-it was objected to on the ground that no such discretionary power can be given, and I was compelled to· accept of the law as it is or fail in toto S F A • ◄• USTIN Shew this letter to Johnson or such parts as you please.
Matamoros Abril 3/831
s. D. ESTEBAN AUSTIN AMIGO Y Son. DE TODA MI ESTIMACTON: El din ultimo del mes a.nterior ha salido p• su curato cl Padre Moldu [Muldoon] con la
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