The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS 29 Westall-he has made a good choice and I think has secured his domestic ha.ppiness-we are trying to arrange matters to set him and John Austin up in the Nforcnntile business in which there is u good prospect of success-tho their begining is very small he expects to be in Orleans in :May or June. I once had a sister ·who could spare a few moments every six or eight months to drop a line to her unfortun[ate], absent, brother- Where is she? has time swept me from her remembrance, or has she too many cnres, or too much amusement to allow a half hour to past remembrance-I feel almost cut off from the world, but still something in her own handwriting would be acceptable, how many children has she, how are they disposed o:f-what are her future calculations She can tell me a thousand things that ,vill be inter- esting, for she cnn write nothing that will be otherwise, It bas been more than 18 months since I have recd a line from her .own hand- writing-I never expect to converse with her otherwise than by letter-time rolls on rapidly, tell her to improve it .while she can •in chatting once more on paper to her brother- . '\,Ve move on here slowly, but quietly-this country wi_ll present ·a second·Eden to posterity-wheither we shall find it such or not depends on the progress of emigration and improvements- Farewell-give my love to all the children and to all old friends and particularly to Elias Bates and family ana other relations S. F. Aus1'IN [Rubric] [Addressed:] ~:fr. James F. Perry Potosi Washington County State of /Jfissouri


Napoleon, 1 April 2, 1~28.

See Calendar.


Bexar, April 3, 1828.

See Calendar.


17th Novr 1827 James B Austin To J H Polley Dr To team work nine dnys nud half___________________________· --.--- o. 5() Aprlle 5th 1828 Stephen F Austin To ,T, H. Polly Dr • to bawling Corn from river_______________________________________ S.00

1 A. landing on the Colorado River.

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