THE AUSTIN PAPERS 27 that of the second, All those persons who have not received their titles will present themselves, immediatly as the Commissioner is obliged to return in the begining of June. Sn Felipe de Austin 16 March 1828. STEPHEN F. AusTIN [Rubric] GASPAR FLORES [Rubric]
Bernardo, March 20, 1828.
See Calendar.
New Orleanes March the 21 1828
Col AusTON DEAR sm I will inform you that I am still alived and have not for got the Texas I expect that I shall start with my family for that Contry this fall there •is a good deal of talk about that Country in the 1'1issouri and there is no doubt but the disturbance that took plase in edwards Colloney Caused a good many that was strongly in the way to moove to decline tho I think when they find every thing is going on well there a good many will moove from our Counti:y there if it was so to happin that that Country was [to] fall in the hands of our goverment how son would it be one of the gratest, or in other words if sla.very was admitted there or the people Cold be satisfied that they would be safe in taking there slaves there the emmigration would be grate I wold thank you to wright me on that subject and every other one that wold give infor- mation about the tines [times] of that Country one letter from you wouid do more good than 20 from some other men, I have bin informed after a certain time there cold be no more [slaves'l] taking there perhaps after the first of January next,tho that will give time for people to move this fall it is uncertain what part of the Contry I shall·settle in tho I believe that I shall •try .near the cost-- • HmmY S BnoWN Col S F AusTON Nb give my best respects to Mr S Williams tell him I would thank him kindley for a letter) my plase of residence•Missouri Pike Cot Waverley [Addressed:] Col Stephen F Auston Austons Colloney Texas by Capt Harris
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