The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



Austins would Join him he also states that the Peopel on Ish bayo and those near Nacogdoches are to keep up a constant alarm in ordei· to Draw the troops to that Plase, he says thare is fifty men on the way to meet him ttt the mouth of Poorwashitau the truth of this you must now for he says that Baley Anderson and a young man by the name of Blunt is in Company with them I also saw a leter from one Capt frith and Prater stated that they much in favour of the Plan and that Mr Prater would use all his infiuans with the Ingins he Names a 1fr Litten who is to Join him on the Colorado with a company of men he say that they are to Join under the name of traping Expadision as to other Particulars you can inquire of Mr WilJiams who will give you this letter- this is Sir atrew Copey of the original that is in my Posasion I also have in:formasion that thare is a man by the name of Capt :Hall in your Colloney that is to Join with his companey this you will find out for I Dont now this Mr Hall this is all that I have to state to you But I hope your Pudans [prudence n will inform your self and then Do what you may think Best and let me now PETER E. BEAN [Rubric] P. D. this came from Pocan pint [Pecan Point]


Bexar, March 6, 1828.


Nacodoche.s March 14 1828

DSm yours of the 29th of Jany has been over looked in the post office 1.mtil this morning otherwise I should have immediately complied with your request I do assure you I am at all times ready to check when in my power any thing like perturbattion of the inhabitants not only of your Colony but any other part of the Country my sin- cere disire is that the Country prospers and any thing which would have a contrary effect would be repugnant to my feelings That Dayton has made an attempt to raise a party there is no doubt though from the best information we can get on the subject there has not more than eight or ten men been so base as to join him-Dayton's respectability ~n your Colony is much more ex- tensive than in any part of this country and the general opinon is that the only revenge he seeks is to practise villiany be it of what- soever nature or at whatsoever place that opportunity may serve a

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