The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS 21 from you as we have not heard from you for a long time, the last letter we had was from James dated in July or august last in which he said he expected to [be] a married man on the 3d of Oct. We have not heard neether by letter or otherwise since we wrote you on the 22d of July last respecting some Land in Wyth County Vir- ginia also a Tract in Newjersay we also wrote you on the 12 th of august on the same subject none of which we have had a reply to on 22d of July we enclose[cl] to you a note on Bartlet Sims in favr of Alfred Sougroun for $798.61. please say whether you recd it and if so what prospect there is for collecting t~e money. In Stephens letter to us of the 26 th of ]Hay last he·expresed a wish for me to visit that country last fall I feel anxious to see the Country but the situation of my business would not permit me to leave it nor is my prospect any better at preasant. Now our Family is all well at preasent but it has pleased divine providence to deprive us of our little daughter Emely. . she was taken sudenly and died in a few hours without any previas sickness the shock was verry great the loss of a near relation is surely felt but no one knows the feeling of a parent but a parent. vVe have since had another added to our famaly a daughter about 2 months old we call hir Eliza ]\fargrett. the boys Joel Austin and Guy are going to school and I think progress as well as boys of there age could be expected. I know of no material change among your old acquantences W C. Carr is our circuit Judge he was here two weeks since we have a great many enquiries for you all your old acquantences and friends apear anxious to hear how you are doing Business is very dul here at present the great emigration within the last year to the Fever River Mines togather with the low price of Lead has made business verry dull Lead is onJy worth now at the river $4.50 and but $5.60 in Philo. Potosi has been and is still improving some we are now living on the lots formaly owned by Josiah Beardsley. I expect you recollect where they are we have got a small but comfortable house built and are making some other improvements and in a short time will be tolarably conveniantly fixed for living our country has im- proved since you left this country but not near as much as might be expected St Louis is improving rapidly. S Perry has pur- chased part of old Chout 0 lot opposit the market in that place and is building a house in it that he has rented for $1828. pr annum. the aproching presidentle Election creates a great interest: party spirit runs very high the members of Congress in all there offitial acts are verry much governed by party spirit. and it has a great influ- eance in all our state Elections and Legislational proceedings Ad- mirustration and Anti administration Adams and Jackson Internal improv_ements and state rights are the subjects of differance. I

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