The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPEBS 193 your letter Jnst Mail But it Never Came to hand untiJI the Mail was Goan I hop you will Pass the time well and Command Your friend P. Ellis Bean [Rubric]


Brasoria March 18 th

• 1829-

Dr BROTHER. The Eclipse sailed this morning from the mouth of the river and you may expect her by the 20 th of next. The Little Zoe arrived to-da.y from N. Orleans Dr Gibson came out with the intention of becoming a permanent Settler in the Col- ony John thinks Mr ,Villiams is mistaken in regard to the Seal necessary for a clearance, the Patente or register-may perhaps re- quire a $6. Seal but the reg-ist1·0 or clearance is obliged to be on one-however as he tells me the O onsul at Matamoros, informed him that Seldom two clearances were given alike-I anticipate no difficulty on that head- I came by the Fort Settlement and used my influence to push the Academy forward but I am sorry to say I did not find one advocate for itr-Not because they were opposed to [it] altogether but owing to the hands the funds for that purpose will be deposited in. I find the Members of the Ayuntamiento unpopular throughout the Colony. They all appear willing to subscribe for a Jail , and Academy pro- vided a committee of responsible men be appointed to receive the subscriptions, but as the Ayuntumiento is a changeable body they are opposed to their having anything to do with it. Again, I find something must be done as regards the ad.mission of Lawyers ·in the Alcaldy Court the people to a man are opposed to them, they evince no disposition to be violent, or resort to violent measures but they are determined to have them dismissed from the practice, and the meas- ure that they are about adopting is to mildly petition the Alcalde, to dismiss them altogether from the practice of law- the people think that justice is often very la.mely administered by the Alcalde owing to the pe1·plewity he incurs by hearing lengthy and contending arguments, that frequently have no bearing to the case in discussion-Also another grievance they complain of is this- frequently a suit for a small amt i's brought before the .Alcalde where <me or both of the parties reside in another district, the sheriff is sent with a process-and costs are accumulated to an amt that thrib- ble the :p_rincipal, the question is asked what are the Commis~~ryos

1 Orfslnal ID poueallon ot Kr■. E. i;,. Perl'J'.

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