The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



As soon as the Commissioner arrives the drunkards will raise the hue and cry against me, for I shall in future reject every man who is not of the class required by law, and there are several now in the country who will be rejected, and the more clamor is made about it the more rigid I shall be-In the beginning of the settlement I was not so particular as I shall be in future. The principal pnrt of the tax that is to be raised will be paid by land and slave holders-my tax will be higher in proportion to my disposable means than any five men's in tJ1e colony. You are at full liberty to show all I have said to who you please- the complaints against the Ayto are groundless and unjust and ought to be stoped for no good and much evil will grow out of them Your friend STEPHEN F. AusTIN [Rubric] [To Josiah H. Bell]


. Nacagdoches March the 18 th . 1829

Sor Cor 1 nu EsTEnAN F, AUSTIN My Dr Sir I have Recivcl a letter from you with out Dait Stating that Cor 1 Pedras had Sent you and ofiseal Stating that thare was an Expodision,fl.ting out in the Habana for this Cuntrey thare was a rumor en Neworlans that en the Habana. they was aPresing Vesels to Carry men to Some Port. But in a :few Days after all Was Con- tradicted and aserted that it was fals and By what I Can larn if the spanish troops leaves Havana thare will with out [doubt] be a Revilusion in that Plase and I expect that in Spain they are now in the same as the french troop had orders to march from Spain and at that moment it was Begun in Some Parts of Spain, But the Reason that Col. Pedras Rote this ofisial "\Vas that a :Mexican Rote • By me and Before he ast me aney thing about it he Startid and Extreordenero Express as he Done onse Before When he Said that the Royalists was in tranity Bay But you will See that all is Nothing I am hapy to hear that your Peopel is all united in Defens of the Cuntrey Whare thir Intrust lies I gave you thanks for the Copey of the Law that Delebrate [deliversn the Settlers of this Cuntrey from Paying Debts Before Contracted untill 12 years after the Date it will give Roome for men to make Property and not be Broke up as it has bin the wish of Some to Buy in the united Staits at and under value those Debts :for spacilasion But I am hapy that thare is astop to all, as for News Papers I have at the moment None But I will Send you Some as you Direct me as Soon as Posibel- I Should of n:nswerd

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