AMERICAN HiSTC>l<lCAi. ASSOCIATION qe. a la carta general del golfo, qe. tengo pr. enteramte infundada en observacs de ninguna clase. Por mi parte remitire u. V. apuntas de todas las observacs posteriores, entre las qe. esta comprendida la latitud del pueblo de la Bahia y. otra observacn muy proxima al rio de las Nueces pn el cam 0 de esta villa, y aunqe. convenia fuera en el mismo paso del rio, las nubes no permitieron observac" la noche qe. estuve alli. No son adjuntos estos apuntes pr. qe. no he tenido tpo. de hacer el calculo. •El Sr. Cevallos me comunico qe se habia expedido ya la patente del buque y aqui me he impuesto qe. ya ha hecho un viaje tt esta barra. Sea en horabuena y deseo qe. se utilise todo lo qe. promete el cabotaje de esta costa, cuyos consmnos son un dato seguro pn grancles especu- 1ac" y pr. fortuna de articulos indispensables de esa colonia. Saludo con mucho afecto al S. D. Samuel, y si viese V. a Mr. Gross me hace V. favor de hacerle un recuerdo a mi nombre Man 1 de Mier y Teran [Rubric.] [Addressed:] AD. Estevan Austin. S. Felipe de Austin.
DEaR Sm it is with much regret that we hear that the p[e]ople of st Philepe is still keeping up a difficulty ::unong themselves and is concequin- teally Calculated to give uneasiness to the p[e]ople genarly-I fear there is some who do not think as they should do of the necessity of harmony and Good feelings among the people Gennorly but suffer their inflamatry feelings to leed them to far it may be they suffer their veiws of Interest to over-ride their duty to the publick Good and I fear the Gentlemen of the bar has no small shear in the affair I am of opinion that if the lawers do ilot Change their manner of doing business or there is not a stop put to their management in some way that it will be productive of more sereous Injury to the Collony than they are aware of or prehaps to themselves in short there is more Clamour among the p [e]ople against the proceeding at that place than I have heard on any subject and they all agree that the lawers is intitled to the principal blame-I have paid all attention to what is passing in my power and am Convinced that the people have little hope but in yo~1 for a reformation-they all have Confidence that you will as you have done do ~ll in your power for the publick Good.· I am Convinced that you have much in your power and that you have the intire confidence of the people and ·that any measure you [approved] would meet their seport and a.ppre- bation what have you not done for us and what may you not yet do- I received your letter on the subject of establishing a
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