The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



general plan to establish Schools, which will do the most public good- Please present my best respects to Mrs Bell. :Mrs Powel Dr. Wells and family etc S. F. AusTIN [Rubric] The subject of preaching must be managed with prudence, for I do assure you that it will not do to have the Methodist excitement raised in this country- All this is for your eye, and your confidential friends, and not for the public indiscriminately [Addressed :] J. H. Bell


February 28, 1829.

See Calendar.


Pine Bluff 1 2 nd March 1829

CoL AusTIN DR Sm. Your favour of the 31 st Janry came to hand and its con.. tents has been duly considered, The course you propose for us to persue relative to the commissioner accords with my opinion intirely but my extreme bad health I fear will prevent my adopting the course you have suggested • me to inform you that the success ·which has crowned your late efforts on the subject of our land petition has gained you much applause among the inhabitants of Trinity. But I fear it will work a great injury to yourself at least, for new favours•in the opinion of the multitude beget new obligations, and as emty aclmowl- edgments are the only tribute they expect will be exacted for the important servises you have rendered. you may expect future apli- cations in abundence and perhaps I shall be the first to draw on your benevolence yesterday one of the inhabitants of this vicinage, and soil [?] set out for the interior on some weighty mission, the object of which I do not exactly comprehend, not belonging to their cabinet. I have not been honoured with a sight of their embassage nor cre- d~ntials but I expect they will stop at san Filipe and perhaps exhibit their documents to you. The request I now have to make is this ·that· should this important person~ge honour you with a call, that you receive him with just such marks of distinction·as his occup~- tion his station in life and the importance, or non importance of his

1 A settlement on the Trlnlty :atver.

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