The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



Trinity rivers run through it both navigable and they both afford good pine cypress and cedar oak and ash timber in abundance and numerous situations on creeks for Mills. The proximity of this tract to the U. S. would cause it -to settle rapidly- The Naches discharges into Sabine Lake which may be connected with an east- ern arm of Galveston Bay by a cut of not more than two or three Miles through low prairie as I am told. I expect that a cousin of mine Mr John Austin will .visit vera Cruz shortly with the Schooner Eclipse for the purpose of procuring a ~fexican register in proper form. A p~·ovisional pasport has been issued for her by the Comt Gen 1 Bustamte which I am informed is sufficient to carying the cargo from here she is owned entirely by Mexican citizens We shall be able next year to supply a consid- erable amt. of B~ef Pork, lard, Bacon and peas and Butter and Sweet Potatoes should those articles be wanting for naval suppliei., they perhaps may be had on better terms from here than from any other quai'ter of the Mexican territory- vVith the most sincere desires for your health and .happiness I have the honor to remain your Most Obt. Sert. '[~dorsed :] Letter to Commodore Porter


villa de Austin 16 de Feb 0 • 1829. Exmo Sor Gob 0 r. del Estado de Cuahuila y Tejas, C. JOSE M•. VIESOA ~XMo Son. Animado por los mismos deseos para el adelanto gral de mi patria qe. spre me han influido desde qe. emprendi el establecinit 0 de los despoblados de Texas, me dirijo a V. E. con el fin de presentur algunas refleciones genernles sobre la materia como explanatorias de un systema permanente qe. en mi opinion se debe aceptar pa. promo,.,.er y estender _la agricultura. Siento por base fundamental qe. las tierras, el clima y las locali- dades.del Estado de Cuahuila y Texas todas indican qe debe J?uscar su riqueza y felicidad en la agricultura mas bien qe. en la cria o en las minas Y. de ·consiguiente qe todas las !eyes y medidas de la Legislatura y Gob 00 del Estaclo dehen scr fundades sobre esta misma base es decir fomentar, proteger y estender la agricultura spre. Para el mejor acierto se debe primero echar una ojeada sobre los produc'tos qe se q:uede sembrar con mas ventaja en el Estado--estos son varios, segun las diversidades de las tierras y el clima. En

~ In general compare t~Js letter with Austin to the President, Sept. 8, 1828, ~nd to M1nfster ot Relaclones, Oct. 7, _1828.

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