The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THB AUSTIN PAPERS 165 me 2tI1d let me know whether it is dangerous traveling on the other side of the sabine in consequence of Robbers- I have heard also that you have obtained an extepsion of your colony pray let me lmow at what time I could obtain land in it as I was informed that it was probable it would be ready for settlement this winter if that be the fact do let me lmow and the terms on which I could obtain lands for my self and five or six other families- I removed to this state last year and have not purchased land yet- nor shall I pur- chase largely untill. I see -your country or'Know more about it from the Gentleman who is about to visit it • THO:U:AS WmTE Ps ., I shall leave here in a few days for St Martinsviile where I would thank you to write me Since writeing the within I have been told by a gentleman that there is liveing near the sabine a man by the name of William Knight who brok geoil here and frequently crosses the river and commits depredations on the state of Louisiana would it not be wise to send a force and detect him and his bandits I presume that the commander of the Mexican Troops at Nacogdoches would order him and his gang arrested if information was given of the characte.r of Knight and his associates [Addressed:] Colo S. F Austin Natchitoches Louisiana The post master will be so good as to foward this to San Felip_e de Austin Texas


Col S F Austin 1828

To Clopper's and Co Apr 16 lpr Shoes________________________________________________ May 6 lpr do do_____•________________. -------------------------- ·20 1 box shoe blnch;ug______________________________________ June 1 Bottle Castor oiL _________________________________________ June 18 3 yd domestic ord Antonia__:______________________________ Sundriess for W O White wife 9 doz screws a 25_______________________________________ 2.~ 12 pr But hinges 62--------~--------------------~------- 7.50 8 doz screws 25----------------~------------------------2.00 1829 Jany Waggon 4 days_____________________________________________


2.50 2.50 .37 2.00 1.31

11.75 a.·oo


Supra Or. By Dr. J hunter 8.00 Lott No. Col S F Austins ace

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