them, I should give up my Inst contract with the Govt for the set- tling of the new Colony, and either settle myself down on a Stock farm, or seek some other country where I might hope to find har- mony but it is my duty to persevere and for that reason, and that alone, I will go on- you are wrong to decline serving for I think you can do an important service to the colony as a member of the Ayuntam to but you have a right to do as you please, tho if you are elected the law compels you to serve- I have heard of no opposition to Ingram and I think he will be unanimously elected I am sorry to say that Kinny has also declined serving, tho, he is excusable for his business I expect will compell him to devote all his time to his private affairs-I have not thoroughly known Kinny untill last winter he is a usefull and valuable man and I wish it was in my power to aid him in his pecuniary difficulties- My friend we must all be united and harmonious-without this the colony never can flourish-poor Pettus is broken up-he has been imprudent in the highest degree-and has abused me and every one else-if I had the means of aiding him I would freely do so- he is in misfortune-let that alone be remembered and all his abuses forgotten-I send you a valuable neighbor (I hope) in Mr. Robison, I have nearly given him a small place merely because I think him a good man Think better of the matter and say you will serve-My respects to Mrs Bell I can let you have some fig roots next year if the slips I brought from Bexar grow S F AusTIN [Rubric] Mr J. H Bell
Bexar 22 de Enero de 1828.
Sor. Dn ESTEBAN AUSTIN Mi apreciable amigo y Sor: por el ultimo correo he recivido, tres estimadas de V. sus £has 31. de Dic~eme y 13 del actual sobre cuyo contenido digo dela primera, que le solicitud que me acompafia rela- tive. a denuncia que ha dado ha ese Alcalde de una mina de Plata y plomo cita alas margenes del rio de trinidad, por el primer correo la boy a remitir a la diputacion de mineria del valle de Santa Rosa, aquien corresponde conoser de estos asuntos, como se impondra V. de la Ley No. 40 de 22 de Junio qe. se circul6 ha esa villa en 16 de Julio
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