to see m,c ,- but wish only to make a. show and pa-rade, for James, I know that you inherit all our Dear Fathers Pride, and ambition, I once possess'd my share of it, but misfortune and trouble has com- pleatly humbled me; I want you to come and see how happy I live with my Dear good Man, a.nd to see what a handsome Family of Children, I have, it is very old :fashion for one to write about ones Husband and Children, I trust I may always be so far out of Fashion as to praise me.it where it is deserving, you could visit Missouri, and return in 6 weeks, Sister would only have to stop at New Orleans-- procure a Fashionable Bonnet and two or three Fashionable Dresses, and she would Eclips us all Fashionables at Potosi; but indeed My Dear Brother you must visit us in the Spring; we shall know by that time wheather there can be any thing recover'd in Jersey, the last accounts were very flattering- I send you by l\,f. rs Locldiart a box of Roots and more gardin seed; I hope long ere this the box of seed that I send in October have ar- rived safe, I wrote to Sister and inclosed the letter, and a little bundic in the Box; I must bid you Adieu for the house is full of Girls and they keep such a fuss and chattering around me that I hardly lmow what I am doing-tell Stephen that I have a most amiable ancl beauti- full Gfrl picked out for him the Daugliter of nn old Friend and favourit of his-she l"ery much resembles a Laydy that he once was very partial too- Present my most affectionate love to Sister, and Brother, you must all of you write to me often, and believe me always your truly · ' attached Sister E, M, Pr::RRY [Address:] James E. B, Austin Esq.r S.t Filippi d. 0 Austin- Provence of Texas
Mr ABNER KYKENDALL Please let Mr. Achilles McFarlan have four Cows and calves out of those you intend :for me. I will take all the Cows and calves you have to spR-re but cannot go up now to receive them and must start down the River tomorrow, I will send up my brother to attend to the business and receive the cows- Decr. 3, 1828. [STEPHEN F. AUSTIN.] order for four cows Received of Abner C Kuykendall fore Cows at one hundred dollars ACHILLES Mc.FARLAN
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