THE AUSTIN PAPERS 145 being able to complete my mills; but after being deserted by my neighbors I deemed it useless, and perhaps unsafe, to remain there any longer ;-however, I do not dispair of returning in a .c;hort time-nothing within my power shall be wanting to reestablish a Settlement at that place;-For this purpose I shall make such pro- posals to those who wish to Settle in that part of the colony as cannot fail being accepted by all who wish well to the country half my land at that place will I give, if necessary, to effect this desirable object--could the uper settlers view the importance of maintaining that place in the same light that I do, I am sure they would be less captious and hard to please than I am afraid will be found to be the case-If that settlement is suffered to break up and disperse it will be a misfortune to the colony that many years may not be able to l'etrieve-- The late .visits of the Comanchas must be ascribed to the misconduct and imprudence of some of the inhabitants them- selves, who for the sake of a little base dishonest self interest would sink the colony in irretrieveable ruin-If some means could be devised to keep the Tonkuays and Lapans from coming among us, it is probable we should not be troubled with the Comanchas-- unless they wish to commence unprovoked hostilities against us,- Two Indians of the Shawneys tribe came to my place more than a month ago, stayed with me several days and then started up the river to explore the country of the San Sabo-They have not re- turned at the time they appointed, which was last wednesday, Considering the punctuality of Indians in keeping such appoint- ments I think it very probable that they have been killed by the Comanchns, as they are now in the country through which they were to travel- These Shawneys had traveled a great deal through. the U.S. were men of considerable intelligence, and must have had a good deal of influence with their nati_on- They said that if they liked the upper country their people would commence settling 35 or 40 miles above the San Antonio road within three months after their return-they left 58 deer skins, a little ammunition and some other Indian trinkets with me-I have brought t~em away and will leave them with Mr. Newman WILLIAM: RABB Col. Stephen F Austin
Comanda Principal de Coahuila y Texas. Por el oficio de V. de 17 del actual quedo enterado de que el dia 15. de dho. mes se le present6 6. V. un Yndio Lipan que dice ser hermano del Gefe de esa Tribu Cuelga de Castro, ·diciendo que un Yndio, que vive con los Comanches, de otra Nacion, le dijo que en
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