The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS 7 Gov 0 con_ informe favorable, de cuyo resultado dare a V. mente 8, VlSO. He escrito al Cor 1 Ciud 0 Jose de las Piedras qe se comunique con V. segun acordamos en Bexar, y yo espero qe V. le darn todos los avisos y conocimientos qe considere utiles p• su mejor manejo principalmente cuando haya algunas ocurrencins de consideracion en la front•. Se me ha dado parte de una reunion como de 40, aventureros havian pasado :l esta parte del sabinns con el objeto de apoderarse del dinero qe esperavan p". la guarnicion de Nacogdoches, y qe havian estos mandado un emisario pa. qe inbitase a algunos individuos de esa colonia, y aunque llo dudo la verdad de estas noticias espero del zelo de V. pr. la tranquiliclad y vuen orden qe tomara todas las providencias qe estime conbenientes p•. evitar la introducion de semejantes hombres qe van a perturvar a los ciudadanos pacificos en sus inocentes ocupaciones. He llegado a este lugar sin novedad y cuento con qe V. no dexara de escrivirme segun me ofrecio. Tenga V. la vondad de saludar de mi parte a su Srio, reciviendo V. las seguridades del singular aprecio con qe me repito su conciuqo. y amigo qe lo estima muy deveras. ANAST 0 BusTAMt•. [Rubric]. [Addressed:] Al Ciuda 00 • Cor 1 • Felipe Estevan Austin. Austin.


Jany. 21. 1828

Dn sm, I recd. your letter stating that you wish to decline serving as one of the Ayuntamiento, and £eel somewhat discouraged at your deter- mination-As you personal friend, I should say you did right, but as a friend of this colony, I must say you are doing wrong-It is very important to get good men, and men of business in the Ayun- tamt 0 • I feel no individual interest on the subject and as a mere individual I am indifferent who are elected-but in all matters con- nected with the welfare of this colony I cannot £eel or think indif- ferently-As for myself I shall devote my whole time and attention to the land business and have some idea of taking a trip into the United States in order to try and bring out a large number of families in a body, but I do not wish to leave the colony ag~in, even for a moment untill I see the local government well orgamsed, and ' . this cannot be done without putting good men 1n office I am o-ettin a very tired and worn down with the business and b e:, were it not my duty to the settlers who are here never to abandon

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