THE AUSTIN PAPERS 139 fntigable mnn in dishonesty •I ever Imew he still Contemplates more suits against me relative to the boat Concern and I have become so fatigued with his molestations that I have almost dispaired of ever getting a fair settlement with him I had rather any;e which my circumstances would admit than cavel with him eternally. His conduct in this place renders a residence here unpleasant and unsafe I have presumed to make 11 brief relation of his acts to Gen 1 Bustamante without having the slightest acquantance with the general but the facts were such as I hope he will at least investigate the matter and there his conduct will appear in its true feature my trip which would have been otherwise prosperous has already sunk two hundred and fifty or three hundred Dollars and where the loss will stop is uncertain. If I could dispose of i\1y land in the Colony I should be relieved of some little embarasment which otherwise I must labour under. John Williams the bearer of this communica- tion tells me he will buy it of me on seeing you if the title suits him you will render me a favour by aiding the sale so far as is consistent with your ideas of the matter Our land difficulties and confusion here I hope will be at an end when the Comisioner arrives as I am informed he is comisd for the purpose of adjusting all diferences relative to land If the situation of your buisness would permit you to come on with the comisioner I think much good would arise the~e from to the inhabitants though perhaps in reality none to yourself. I confess My silence ever since my arrival requires an apology though I should assure you my dear sir be happy at all times to hear from [you] hoping the greatest prosperity may attend you • THOMAS F. McKINNEY [Rubric] Col. Stephen F. Austin . NB Accept of the respects of Mrs. McKinney And if Possibl& for visit this country we would be glad you would call Stay with us Sincerely McK
Mejco Nobre 5, de 1828
SOR Dn EST.EVAN AUSTIN Mm SoR MIO Y DE MI APRECIO luego qe. resibi Sl,l grata del 20 de ?bre : y con ella la solicitud y docum to,. pa la naturalizacion del. buque estrangero de esa Colonia, perteneciente a su Ermano Dn San- tiago y primo Dn Juan Austin cuide se _preientft-ra al Ministerio de Marina pa su pronto y faborable clespo.cho; y consecuente a lo qe ofresio a V. salio la orden pa ese C9m~n1~'· q~ ~1$1.~i~a;._(!e. lo . . ~ ~ .
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