quires much more preserverance and patience than any one can imagine who has not tried it- But I will go through with it- you ask me how I like my sister in Iaw-· I am very well pleased with her, and think Brown has made a happy choice- they live very happily together and have the prospect_of an heir this winter or early in the spring, tho I presume he has written you relative to his family matters- I wrote you to send me the old Lead book kept by Ballard during the year I worked the mines in partnership with Butler. :WI.r Ballard knows that nothing was cleared that year. I sent a statement ofthe a/cs. to.Butler, but he pretends to claim (as I a.m informed) Many thousand Dollars I know not exactly what kind of a man Ballard is but have always thought him an honest man and I do not think he will forward Butlers unjust ·claims to injure me- I wish :Mr Perry to sound him as he inay deem prudent on the subject- The truth is that the mines cleared nothing the year Butler and myself worked them in partnership and I therefore owe him nothing on that score This country has been very healthy this year and we are getting on pritty well in every respect- I will pay you a visit some time but cannot tell when. it shall be as soon as possible- I know you cannot visit me and I do not wish you to take such a journey- It is too long, and exposed to some dangers- Remember me affec- tionately to Mr Perry and all old friends and acquaintances S. F. A.usTIN [Rubric] [Address:] Mrs Emily M. Perry Potosi Missouri Mr J Brown
• Bejar Octe. 30, 1828.
Sr. D. ESTEVAN AusTrN. EsTIMADO AMIGO. Tengo ala vista su apreciable de 21. del presente y por ella veo q. con dolor ha savido pr. noticia q. D. Gaspar le comunico a D. Samuel la revolucion 6 pronunciamt 0 de Santana; pero como V. dice muy bien este caudillo n6 tiene .opinion es muy conocido y n6 creo q. hay mucho q.-temer. He advertido q. del Saltillo le remiten a V. papeles publicos y como creo q. ellos le daran una idea clara del estado de cosas, omito hacerlo como lo haria sino fuera por eso : Nosotros spre. estaremos unidos, y no habra novedad pr. los Indios. Ya veremos quando se trate de poner los empleados dela Aduana de Galveston loq. puedo hacer pr. Ntro. Amigo Samuel, pues me parece q. si le a,tiende alas ventajas q. se sacarian del pr. conocimto. en el idioma Ingls y .Espanol sele puede destinar como
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