The Austin Papers, Vol. 2




New Orleans 24. Oct. 1828.


•The Enclosed is from ·Madam Carba.jal's son at Lexington and recommended to your Care- please give it a conveyance. Our Cotton :Market holds out but little inducement for recom- mending you to make shipment this way. We have rcc<1 of the new crop about 6000 Bales, and not yet sold 500- there then has been a few small sales ].\,fade to complete cargo of Vessels at 9 to 11 cents, and one lot of Very fine cotton we sold as high as 12 cts.- Prices continue low in Europe- the stock on hand heavy- and tpe demand for cloth and yarns greatly diminished, so that I see but little prospect for the Cotton planter- All the State of Louisiana which.will grow to maturity the sugar.cane will be planted with it- as the prospect is so much better- this I think would be the most advantageous for your country· to grow under Existing circum- stances. COLO. STEPHEN F. AUSTIN' Texas NaTH. Cox.


San Felipe de Austin Oct. 25. 1828


, . I your kind and affectionate letter the other day a.nd sent it down to Brother-he up a few days since with his wife and is now here-he informs me that he wrote you by way of Orleans just before he left home- . I truly sympathise with you on the loss of your infantr-----tho I have seen so much trouble and misery amongst my fellow beings that I doubt wheither we should too deeply grieve for the departure o-f innocence and purity from this wretched world- There is another and a better one, to doubt it would be to convert the shadows which surround us in this life into the most horrible darkness • • I send this by Mr Brown of St'·Charles and he bas only a few moments to wait being now on his way therefore cannot write you a long letter. I wish·you to inform me what plan you have adopted or think of adopting as to Joel.and Austin- Brother is about engaging in the 1\1:ercantHe business and I think will soon be enabled to do an extensive and profitable one- I am as yet at work at colonization and shall necessarily be tied down here for some time to come-it is a troublesome business and re-

1 Orl~nnl ln possession of Mrs. E. L. Perry.

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