The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THE AUSTIN ·PAPERS 121 p• formnr juicio de toda la obra, protextando qe. cuidare mucho de devolverla en el caso qe. no la tome. No se si esto sera posible pr. la forma de volume qe. tenga, y asi queda a la descrecion de V. Sirvase V. saludar a mi n• al S. D. Samuel, y recibir las exp 11 de verd 0 afecto. M. TERAN [Rubric]


Col S. F. AusTIN please pay Mr. Florence Stack or his order One hundred and five Doi• in .the 11anner following, (Viz) Thirty Eight and a third dol- lars in cash, and a Mule at Cash price, and Cows and Calves at Cash price, to complete the above Sum and Charge the same to my a/c it being the amt. due him for work on your building. San Felipe 30 th of Sept 1828 ., M. M. BATTLE [Rubric] [Indorsements:] Accepted to be paid as within specified October 1; 1828- STEPHEN F. AusTIN [Rubric] Recd on the fifteen dollars in Cash vvm :Moore Recd Sixty dollars in cattle Recd sixteen dollars and fifty·cents Walter White Recd eight do Mr. Cooper-

AusnN IN AccouNT WITH Mrr.Ls ~f. BATTLE

Col Stephen F. .Austin t~ Mills M Battle Dr.

1826 Deer. 1827 Jany 27

Repairs on yr House for a Ball, and Stools________________



Mounting Cannon for Nacogdoche Campt------------------ 7 Bushels Corn Loaned John .Austin_______________________ 5 days work Mr. King Hawling Timber____________________ Boarding the same 75 cts pr clay_________________________ _ to 5 dnys boarding of Woods and Ewing while a Rawling. Timber at 75 cts--------------------------------------- 1 pair Shoes tor Shepherd Boy____________________________

7 5 3.75

Octr 27

Novr 17

S. 7CS 1


Jf'eby 10 Making a Desk and Work for the Secretary_______________ • 5 Removing the Westall House______________________________ 10 October 1 Building yr House pr Contract____________________________ 600 May 9

Hewing 325 feet of Joice over and above the Contract at 6cts________________________________________________


Making 4 windows for Gable Ends of your House nt $2.0o__ 8 $667.70 Deduct $50-for not finishing the house___________________ $50



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