The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



George W. Poe to Austin, December 10, 1836. Suggestng issue of treasury notes. Austin to Merle & Co., December 13, 1836. Certain drafts. Austin to Parish, Gasquet & Co., December 13, 1836. Concerning drafts. Austin to John P. Austin, December 12, 1836. .Arranging certain payments. Austin to William H. Wharton, December 14, 1836. Authorizing him to draw on trensury department for salary. Austin to Henry Smith, December 14, 1836. Instructing him to honor Wharton's drafts for salary. Austin to Fairfax Catlett, December 14, 1836. Authorizing bim to draw for salary. David G. Burnet to Austin, December 15, 1836. Land. Sam Houst9n to the public, December 15, 1836. Recalling all special com- missioners from the United States. William W. Alsbury to Austin, December 17, 1836. Sending him seeds and cuttings. Austin to Jnmes F. Perry, Decemuer 18, 1836. Value of shrubbery. Sends seeds and plants. William G. Hill to Austin, December 20, 1830. Asking his support for an office. Stock certificate, December 20, 1836. Texas Railroad, Navigation & Bank- ing Co. George W. Poe to ---, December 28, 1836. Order for military funeral ior Austin. Elias R. Wightman (December 31, 1836). Disposition concerning Austin's land holdings. Barnard E. Bee to Austin, Lexington, January 1, 1837. Santa Anna's prog• ress toward Washington. Mary Austin Holley to Austin, Lexington, Jununry 14, 1837. Account of the passage of resolutions by the Kentucky Senate requesting recognition of Texan independence. Mirabeau B. Lamar to Gail Borden, jr., January 20, 1837. Tribute to Austin Asks help in collecting material for a biography of Austin.

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