William Hoyle to Austin, Philndelpbia, No,ember 18, 1836. Hopes to set- tle in Texas. George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, November 18, 1830. Sending bis family to Texas. Austin to Thomas 0. Meaux and James W. Breedlove, November 10, 1836. Assuring them of the government's intention to act liberally in settlement of the first loan. Austin to Thomas H. Benton, November 10, 1836. Terms on which Texas wishes annexation. Austin to Toby & Bro., November 10, 1836. Order for $5,000 for William H. Wharton. Austin to William H. Wharton, November 19, 1836. Authorizing draft. Austin to Thomas Toby & Bro., November 19, 1836. Order foi; supplies. Sam Houston to Andrew Jackson, No\'cmber 20, 1830. Release of Santa Anna. Annexation. Austin to President Houston, November 21, 1836. Recommending translation and publication of Filisola's report of the l\Iexican campaign in Texas. Mary Austin Holley to Austin, Lexington, November 22, 1836. Suggesting lobby in Washington to work for annexation of Texas. Austin to Thomas H. Benton, November 25, 1830. Santa Anna's visit to Washington. Austin to G. W. Hockley and B. E. Bee, No'\'"ember 25, 1836. Instructions for conduct in Washington. James Cochran to Austin, November 25, 1836. Bill. George B. Kinstry to Austin, November 25, 1836. Bill of sale to a negro. A.ustin and Barnard E. Bee, November 25, 1836. Contract for sale of land. William H. \Vbarton to Austin, New Orleans, November 28, 1836. Mission to United States. Financial difficulty. J. W. Ros & Bro. to Austin, New Orleans, November 28, 1836. Financial conditions. Daniel E. Colton to Austin, November 29, 1836. Concerning land title. Geographical notes by Austiu, November 30, 1836. William H. Wharton to Austin, New Orleans, November 30, 1836. Finances Public opinion would upprove liberation of Santa Anna. African slave trade must be crushed. George Fisher to Austin, New Orleans, December 1, 1830. Mexican Govern- ment subsidizes the Echo of Louisiana. Texas shoul~ support . the Correo Atlautico as a counter. \Villiam H. 'Wharton to Austin, New Orleans, December 1, 1836. Recommend- ing George Fisher for consulship. Austin's draft of treasury notes (about December 1, 1836). Draft of proclamation against slave trade, about December 1, 1836. Au:;tin to James F. Perry, December 2, 1830. Provision for education of nephews. Slavery. Austin to M. B. Lamar, December 5, 1836. Details of his relations with Rob- ertc,on's Colony. R. Salmon to Austin, December 7, 1830. His services to Texas in New York. ,vants land for twenty colonists. James Morgan to Austin, DccemlJer 7, 1836. Scu<liug him some oranges grown on his place. Austin, Archer et al., December 13, 1836. J.i'orming the Texns Railroad, N:tYi• gation & l3anldng Co.
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