The Austin Papers, Vol. 2



William C. Preston to Austiu, South Carolina, October G, 1836. Introducing Benjamin Johnston. Henry Austin to Austin, New Orlenns, October 7, 1836. Low credit of Texas. Henry Austin to Austin, New Orleans, October 10, 1836. Suggesting compro- mise with Texas creditors. Texas in English Parliament. Financial crisis in the United States. Israel :McGready to James F. Perry, Potosi, .\Io., October 11, 1836. Perry's bu:,iness in Missouri. Austin to S. l\I. 1Villinms, October 12, 1836. Heartbroken because can not accept Williams's explanation of land speculations. Thomas 0. :Meaux to Austin, October 14, 1836. Concerning the first Texas loan in New Orleans. George L. Kinnard to Austin, Indianapolis, October 17, 1836. Wishing Texas well. Samuel Swartwout to Austin, New York, October 10, 1836. lntroducing H. W. Robinson. Nathaniel Cox to Austin, New Orleans, October 20, 1836. Concerning land ancl sln,es of the J. H. Hawkins estate. S. H. Everett to Austin, October 21, 1836. Asking for copies of all Austin's contrncts with Mexican State and Federal Governments. Austin to S. H. Everett, October 22, 1836. Engaged on report of bis land business, which will take much time and labor. Austin to James F. Perry, October 25, 1836. Santa Anna's visit to Wash- ington. Expects annexation. Fairfax Catlett to Austin, October 27, 1836. Seeking appointment in state department. William B. Lewis to (Austin?), Washington, October 27, 1836. Giving Jack- son's views on release of Santa Auna. George C. Childress to Austin, Louisville, October 28, 1836. Expects Jackson soon to recognize Texas. Sam Houston to Austin, October 28, 1836. Announcing confirmation of his appointment as secretary of state. Austin to Joseph Ficklin, October 30, 1836. Conditions in Texas. Explain- ing why no more volunteers are needed. Austin to Houston, October 31, 1836. Accepting appointment to state depart- ment. P. W. Grayson to Austin, Louisville, November 3, 1836. Thinks Jackson will delay reCOh'llition of Texas. Embarrassment caused by close relation between recognition and annexation. Thinks best way would be for United States to quiet the Mexican claim. Santa Anna to Austin, November 5, 1836. Explaining why be desires to visit "\Yashington if released by the Texans. Samuel Swartwout to Austin, November i , 1836. Advising sale of Texan land for any price it will bring to pay debts of the government. Austin to Henry Meigs, November 7, 1836. Suggesting method of nego- tiation with Santa Anna to quiet the Mexican claim to Texas and make way for annexation. .Tames Collinsworth to Austin, November 8, 1836. Satisfied that annexation may take place at once. Austin to Seiior Padunni, November 8, 1836. Reeeipt for a letter addressed to Santa .Anna. Austin to James F. Perry, Novcmuer 11, 1836. Suggesting certain invest- ments.

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