he has loaned us, he lets us have the use of the Money three years at 6 pr cent. and we are to give him good security. We stated to him that we would either give you as Security, or execute a Mort- gage on this place- he says either will do-and if the loan was for a shorter period he would not require security, you can do as you think best in the subject.- I have noticed the contents of your letter relative to the management of this place a.nd am much pleased with your ideas of Economy as they accord precisely with my own, and afford me much satisfaction to perceive you deter- mined to pay more attention to your own interest than heretofore, a thing I have so oftenecl wished- I am sensible if you continue in the same way of thinking, a few years will entirely relieve you from embarassment, and enable you to spend the remainder of your life in ease and comfort. As to our future plans I have con- cluded to remain here for the present year: and am now employed putting the Gin in good order for the present crop- 1'1y calculation was if Williams joined us to have gone to S." Felipe, but not receiv- ing a.n answer from him on the subject we conclude that he has probably abandoned the idea.- I wish to get Leal and his wife down as soon as possible, and I want them started down while John is at Town if they want any assistance Leal may hire Francisco, An- tones Son, who knows the way-and I will pay him here- There are some things at town that I want to get clown as I have little or nothing to commence housekeeping with and if they are left there may get lost, and if brought here will be saved, and be of service to me- I will try and get Keller to go up in his boat and bring down everything that you may not want- I am anxious to get as many cattle as I can and if you can procure any I will attend to the Collection of them. 1'he cattle that is owing to Betts I W!l-Ilt for Bowen and Betts has promised me to settle with him. I have two cows and two heifers at Robins; and the cows I expect have calves, and perhaps the heifers I want Leal to get Francisco and :lrive them down I purchased in the first place three cows-and two heifers-one cow I let Sam Pettus have and the others are still there- Enclosed I send an a/c against Battles which you can charge on y.r Books in y.r Settlement with him, remember that all goods furnished him is cash-also all debts paid by us for him is the same- I also send two other against Slaughter which you ca.n also charge I have paid Phillips and Slaughter considerable which can be ascertained by having My a/c with Richardson and Davis drawn o:ff also-charge Slaughter with one dollar paid McKinstry and Phil- lips 1.88 paid W. C. White- Widow Gilbert has an a/c agai~t us part is pa~d which can be ascertained by referring to my a/c w1th
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