The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS 3 h_appy star that conduced them to a country blessed with the finest soil in North Amarica, with plenty, health, peace and happiness- and if they act wisely (as I hope and trust they will) they will foster and cherish the Government they live in, which will be the certain meap.s of preserving their estamible rights unimpaired; and a sure protection of their property-while on the contrary in this country there are hundreds and thousands of familes who do not own a foot of land nor have they any hope of ever doing so (I mean of any real, val,ue) who are barely able to sustain themselves with the most common coarse food and raiment-In the short time since my arival at home I have assertained beyond question that 40 or 50 families would emigrate with me next fall to your country if they could introduce their slaves, many of them are large holders of that description of property; and I consider it a duty I owe myself as well as you, to assure you that I shall moove to your country next fall if I can with safety bring mine; for I find I have not one slave that i~ willing to be sold from me; I feel a deep interest in the prosperity of your cpuntry and hope you will do me the favour (for I shall prise it highly) to write to me by the first safe hand after the receipt of this letter; let me Jmow if we will be alowed to bring in Slaves under any circumstances, if not what are the future prospects-what has been done with my peti- tion, can I locate the Heseandar [hacienda] on the west bank of the colorado River If I can bring in fifty families, I believe I can get $50. a League from them, and I should give you one half if you will reserve good land for them as I have always thought that compensation not enough for the fo·under of a colony in adition to his premium lands- but this will depend on the Slave Question can fifty good Leagues be got between the colorado and auroyo is now vacant-- I lmow when you reach home how much you will be provoked and how much you will (on many acounts) regret the deception and fraud played off on me and many respectable citizens of your colony by William Pettus-for he even ·sold my boddy servant and did not take (perhaps) a dollar with him to the Rio Grande to purchase Mules for me, for his wife said in my presens she allways blamed him for not earring the money with him; nor have I received one cent for the fine mar I caried to that country for all he paid me dos not even pay the interest upon the debt-I paid for him as an inocent security Such an abuse of confidence, and once I admit friendship ; proves beyond the most remote possibility of a doubt, a dereliction of all honourable principal and a depravity of hart that can never be reclaimed nor reformed, I believe I might use the same language to you Sir John Falstaff did to prince Henry (of Poins)

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