The Austin Papers, Vol. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS 93 the Health and the prospect a Physician would realize. I am well aware how much I trespass upon your time-upon your kindness- in inviting your attention to Subjects interesting to myself alone- I cannot offer in pn.Iliation the kindness-your £amity has always extended to mine, nor the marked friendship of your late excellent mother towards myself to her admonition am I more indebeted than to any other human being for the resuscitation from that state of obscurity, into which the early pecuneary misfortunes of my family had thrown me.- You are already apprisecl of the unhappy state into which political Schism has thrown our republic- in S Carolina open oposition is threatened to the tariff how far their threat will be carried into effect we can form no idia. their leading Politicians take a prom- enent stand with the opposition. verry considerable doubt exist~ of the relection of :Mr Adams--. I cannot but hope there is a redeem- ing spirit in the land which will counteract the effects of military deeds upon the deluded multitude- The Respects of un old Schoolfellow to you Brother w. 1\.. FICI~LIN Mr.SF AusTIN H R Schoolcraft Esqr A Scientific gentleman who for a con- siderable time during your absence resided with your father has received a high appointment by government in a Southern Exploring expedition Estando determinado por el art 0 15. del decreto n° 58. qe. al Gobn° corresponde sefialar el cupo de hombres qe. toque a dos 6 mas muni- cipalidades qe. por dha. Ley deven formar escuadrones 6 Bntallones de milicia civica nacional, esta bien no se halla orgnnisado con nrreglo al referido decreto la M:ilicia N acional local de esa juris- clicion, debiendo hasta tanto no se berifique dha. organisacion quedar en el Estaclo qe. se hayan las compafiias de Milicia civica qe. se for- maron con arreglo al anterior reglamento de 8. de Abril de 1823, y respecto a la duda qe. aV. le ocurre por el contenido del art 0 36. del referido dccreto dirigire la consulta necesario al Exmo Sor. Gob 0 r de este Estado y con el resultado dare a V. oportuno aviso. Y lo trascrivo a V. para su inteligencia y en respuesta a su oficio de 2. del corriente en qe. trata del propj_o asunto. Dios y Libertad Bejar 20. de Agosto de 1828. RAMON MusQUIZ [Rubric] Al Ciudno Empresario Estevan Austin. RAMON 1\1usQmz TO AusTIN Con esta fha. digo al Alcalde de esa Villa lo que sigue.

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