people in that quarter-if not write me what ti~ket !ou ~hink ~ill suit them-let us try and be united and harmomous 1n this election I have sent the .Alcalde of that district full instructions on the subject of conducting the Election-the forms etc and a circular which will give you an idea of the nature of the new system- remember me to Mrs Bell, it is a long time since I have seen her and I feel anxious to visit you and see you all once more. When the election is over I shall be free and will come and see you- s F. AUSTIN [.A.ddressed :] Mr. J. H Bell Lower Settlement
State of Alabama Town of Tuscumbia
3rd J anY. 1828
D Cot 0 I beg leave to introduce to your aquantence and notice Mr Silus: Ephram and Benjmn Fuqua and Mr Job Ingram and l{ye Ingram, these Gentlemen have emigrated to your Coloney to become perma- nent settlers-The Mr Fuquas are Mechanics. two of them of the best kind; they are honest and respectable men and are determined to suport the Government to which they go, I have had much conversation with Mr Silus Fuqua, on the present and future pros- pects of your coloney; and tho he has never seen it, he has a most corect idea of its great advantages, you will find him an inteligent man and I have no doubt will be an acquisition to your Setlement, I have known these gentlemen twelve years, the Mr Ingrams I have not known personaly but from their universal good character and the Gentlemen they go with, I feel no hesitation to recomend them to your attention; On my arival in the U. S. I found Agriculture fast declining in all the Middle and Southern region of our country, oppressed with heavey duties on imports from a broad and taxes at home, and the people burthened with debts, many of which were no doubt con- tracted in more prosperous times that I could not help runing a parallel in my mind between the happy condition of the adopted citizens of your country and the people of this; indeed frankness and candure impels me not to withold from you the expressions of the opinions and thoughts that have so repetedly obtruded them- selves on my mind; (that is) that every family ought to bless his
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